Thursday 8 May 2014

[YEAR 2] FINAL! Hairdresser Nikki

This is one of the characters that is designed with the influence of Paul Coker Jr art style. I studied his work and found that happier characters have faces that are crushed together, whereas more serious characters would have their facial features spread out.

This first character is from a set of 3 hairdressers and she is the cute, hyper, bubbly one. So I knew her design would be mainly softer shapes or circles, I tried to include this in my many versions of thumbnail designs.  I then picked 4 of my favourite designs and added some details, in the end I picked number 6 to take further.

Her final look, I gave her bright red hair to show her bubbly out going side, along with rosy cheeky to get a young, fresh feeling.
The uniform can be seen through out the other hair dresser designs, but with different shoes.
I choice the name Nikki (Nicole, but the nickname) with that particular spelling to add to that bubbly, youth personality.

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