Sunday 16 November 2014

[YEAR 3] Edith The Old Woman - Character development + Final

These were the original roughs I had done the pitch my first draft, I feel these are still helpful but no way near the film character. 

I did some random drawings of how I imagine very stereotypical old woman. They aren't so helpful but they can my first ideas out of my head. 

Now that we have a clearier idea of the story the character is slowly becoming more defined. She is a sweet but stubborn old woman, so I feel like rectangles/squares and circles would be the best shape language for her but I have tried all of them to see what I feel works.

I didnt really like my first set of thumbnails so I did another set.

I used Emma's drawings of old woman to help me draw the quick sketches of old woman over the top of the thumbnails.
[Observational sketches by Emma Garner]

Here are the final designs of the old woman in both her inside outfit and outside outfit. 

Character Bio: 
Name: Edith
Age: 63 
Personality: Edith is an outgoing quirky old lady. She is energetic but because of her age she tires herself out quickly (the mind is able but the body not so much). She is determined and a bit of a soft touch. 

Here are her expressions, she has expressiive eyelids and her mouth moves like a puppets.

Here is a pose sheet with some of the poses from the film. 

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