Thursday 23 January 2014

[YEAR 2] Monster Design 1

My 3 words for this monster were Playful, Cheery and Devilish.
I tried to avoid looking too much into monsters so that I could try and come up with something completely my own, so I researched things that related to the words. 

Here are some thumb nails of characters, I picked 1, 3 and 11 to try and explore further.

 I didn't really like this design after drawing it so I didnt bother to explore in colour.
 I tried to go for a different style, using textures mainly.
This one is my favourite because he clearly has a devilish smile but looks cheery and playful as well.

Here I played with some bright colours, I picked the first colour scheme because I love the red devilish cheeks but the cheeky/playful main body colour.

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