Sunday 23 February 2014

[YEAR 2] Show Reel Development - Female Geisha Character Design

Japanese culture has always been of interest to me and inspired a lot of my work,
so I thought developing a set of characters from this would be very fun for me, so here is the development so far for the female, the male will be on another post! :D 

Here are some of the images I have collected to help me along with the designs. 
Japanese women are meant to be gentle, elegant and graceful so I wanted most of the designs to try include triangle shapes but with a softness to them for the feminine touch. 

These 6 thumbnails I liked the best and would like to develop them further so work out with character shape I want to continue with.

Here I have briefly tried to work out a good head shape for my geisha girl, so far I'm think a diamond shaped head would be best to capture the cheek bones but also work in the idea of triangles elements. 

Continuing with the idea of triangles for elegants, I'm really liking this look so far, it looks classy and elegant but has a style to it still. 

Moving on to the hair, I tried to think of a few hairstyles for the character at the moment I'm liking number 5,2 and 8.  

For some extra development I decided to look at Japanese vases and look at the same for inspiration for further designs as the current shape I have is very generic. 

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