Friday 24 October 2014

[YEAR 3] Story Beats 2 w/Pictures

  • The scene opens with a view of the old woman's walls just full of photographs
  • The camera pans across the wall's of the old woman's living room, you see pictures of her, her husband and this one specific bag. 
  • You can a close up view of a set of photo booth pictures of her and her husband.

(this set of shots of to replace the angle of shots 5 and 6)

(this shot to replace the old woman leaving the house) 

2.Old Bag: 
  • The old woman is in the living room looking at the pictures on the wall.
  • She looks down at her handbag (that is shown in the photographs) and sees it has become old and tattered and doesn't look at pretty as it does in the photographs. 
  • The old woman decides after comparing the bag to the pictures she is going to get a new one of her bag. 
3.The Bus Stop: 
  • The old woman leaves her house and heads for the bus stop to go into town to find her new bag.
  • The old woman is sitting on a bench at the bus stop, when a young lady comes along. 
  • The old woman glances at her briefly but then does a double take as she sees the young lady has her bag but its new and looks just like her one once was. 
  • A bus pulls up to the stop and the young lady gets on board.  The old woman sits there for a moment thinking about what to do. 
  • She jumps up and follows the young woman on to the bus.
4.Stalking begins: 
  • The old woman sits a few seats behind the young lady so she can keep an eye on the bag. 
  • The old woman slowly moves chairs so she can get a better view of the bag.
  • In her new position, she pulls out her knitting needles and slowly leans over with them trying to hook the handbags straps.
  • Just as the old woman does it, the young lady grabs the bag unaware and gets up to get off the bus. 
  • The old woman quickly jumps up and follows her off the bus.

(this angle below to replace the shots of the woman inside the bus) 

5.Shopping Centre: 
  • The 2 women are now in town, in front of a shopping centre (?), the young lady walks off into a shopping centre. The old woman follows slowly behind, keeping her eyes on the prize. 
  • The young woman walks up to and greets her boyfriend/partner in the shopping centre, the old woman is unaffected by this and watches them closely, focusing on the bag. 

6. Stealing attempt 1:
  • The couple go sit at a cafe or bench to sit and talk. 
  • The old woman follows, sneaking and ducking behind chairs/benches/plants/walls to not be seen. 
  • She crawls under the tables/across the floor trying to reach out and pull the bag away.
  • The young lady picks up the bag from below her and puts it on her lap. 
  • The old woman sighs with annoyance. 

7. Stealing attempt 2:
  • The couple get up, and start walking away. 
  • The old woman fumbles through her bag quickly. 
  • She pulls out some wool and ties it into a lasso. 
  • The old woman waddles after the couple. 
  • The couple pause at a window. The old woman sees this moment, stops and tries to fling her wool lasso over the bag.
  • Just as the lasso gets there the couple walk off. 

8. Stealing success: 
  • The couple walk over to a photo booth 
  • The young lady takes off her bag and places it on the ground as she steps into the photo booth with her boyfriend/partner.
  • The old woman sees this, smiles and quickly picks up all her wool and stuffs it in her bag.
  • The old woman sees this and waits until the two are definitely inside of the photo booth.
  • She jumps on the bag, and cuddles it in her arms.

9. The Photographs: 
  • As she clutches the bag, the photo booth machine makes a loud noise as the photos of the couple are printed.
  • The old woman looks up and sees the pictures of the couple. 
  • The old woman takes them from the machine, still holding the bag close to her.
  • The old woman realises what she has been doing.
  • At this moment the couple pull back the curtain of the machine and see the old woman on the floor.  

10. Realisation:
  • The couple see the woman sitting there, holding the photos and the bag bag. 
  • The old woman quickly gets up and gives the photos and the handbag to the young woman 
  • The young lady takes them looking confused.
  • She sees the pictures in her hand and smiles and laughs.
  • They say nothing to the old woman and leave.
  • The old woman turns away and opens up her own handbag.
  • In her bag she pulls out similar pictures of her and husband.   

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