Tuesday 7 October 2014

[YEAR 3] Story Development Ideas

Today was the first time I got to talk to my team about the project and what I would like to achieve and what my ideas are at the moment. 

Team Members: 

Emma Garner: garneremma.tumblr.com

Rob Gray: http://ramkeham.tumblr.com/

Wai Han Lau: blog address~~

I have been mainly struggling on where to take my basic story idea, so it was great to get some ideas from my team mates :) 

The bare bones of my idea was that I wanted it to be about a woman who was obsessed with matching hand bags and shoes. She one day sees this lady with a bag she really wants and becomes determined to get it from her in any way possible. 
I didn't know what to do at this point. 

  • The lady with the bag could finally hand over the bag to the crazy woman after all the stalking and then the crazy lady sees a woman with some great shoes or another hand bag and then goes after us just like the other woman, and it ends there. (this idea would allow for small skits between the two woman).
  • Whilst the crazy lady is after the new bag, another old lady like her manages to steal the crazy lady's bag from her and then gets on a bus and leaves. (This would play on the idea that you get some strange people when you are travelling and would bring the location into play) 
We also talked about how to introduce the character and random ideas of skits that we could include, this is just random brainstorming but I want to have it all the review over.

  • The lady could always be stealing pretty bags from people, so instead of being iinteressted in just one bag, she goes for many, this idea would also involve different skits of how she gets these bags. For example one idea given was she steal one bag but it turns out to be a baby carrier, the crazy lady takes out the baby and runs off the bag. The woman could always travel home with tons of bags and then takes them back to her bag filled home. 

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