Wednesday 8 October 2014

[YEAR 3] Travelling Experience Research

My idea is inspired by the idea of that you meet some interesting people while travelling, so I decided to ask other people what their experiences were with meeting or encountering 'odd' people.

  • A man with the biggest afro, the afro was so heavy when he moved the afro went first.
  • A rent boy, he smelt of piss, cum and was high on weed. (This was just on a bus going home)
  • There was a man wearing a kilt and he had a banjo, but couldn't actually play the banjo. 
  • A weird guy offered to give me a tour and then started to hold my hand.
  • Recently a lady on the bus shouted at the driver every time he stopped to pick passengers up. "NO! I TOLD YOU! I DON'T WANT THIS STOP!"
  • There was a man who decided to take a poo on the bus as we were driving. 
  • I had a man who wanted to tell me all about his brain surgery and talking about his bikes. He kept getting extra close to my face, it was very unpleasant.
  • Once I sat next to a man that kept shouting words, single words, but I couldn't tell if he was talking to someone on a phone or was just a little bit weird.
  • There was a drunk man on the bus one time, he kept getting upset when more people got on the bus, yelling "NO ROOM" at everyone. Later on in the journey he finally gets into a fight with the passengers and the bus had to pull over and call the police. 

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